What is art licensing?
Kendra VanDruff Kendra VanDruff

What is art licensing?

Ever wondered what licensing your art could look like? Check out this blog post all on art licensing and how it can expand your creative business.

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My art supply List
Kendra VanDruff Kendra VanDruff

My art supply List

Finding good quality art supplies can be daunting when starting a new hobby or wanting to improve your watercolor skills. Check out my linked art supply list for paint, brushes, and paper to make the search easy!

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Kendra VanDruff Kendra VanDruff


Loved getting to document my husband and I’s first apartment together as newlyweds. I’ve shared and linked a few of my favorite elements of our first place, some featuring other fellow artists. Hope you enjoy taking a look! - Kendra

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